One of the most important chapters in the Sri Sai Satcharita is the tale of Veerabhadrappa and Chanabasappa.
It really emphasises some of the crux of the teachings of Lord Sai Baba.
1) It makes us aware of three deadly sins Baba forewarns us about.
2) Baba teaches us the deep significance of past former relationship or Rinanubandh.
3) Despite being blessed by Lord Sai Baba's darshan, rebirth was certain, as they did not recognise Baba's divinity. Despite that, by Baba's compassion, He still came to the rescue and His fulfilled His promise. It is not easy to decipher the meaning of Baba's words immediately.
One can see through this leela the significance of Human birth and how if it is misused and lives without faith and does not follow the Guru’s instruction, easily it can lead one astray from the path of God Realization.
The three sins are debt, enmity & murder which are the certain and assured causes for ones rebirth.
One certain lesson that this leela reiterates is that one takes on the form in the next life as ones tendencies and last thoughts that one holds onto.
This is the crux of what is explained in the Sai Gyaneshwari too and is a subject of repeated and deep contemplation, as there are many spiritual jewels Lord Sai Baba has taught us through this very important lesson.