In today’s stratosphere, it is very easy to come across people who make all sorts of claims. However an important thing to ponder over is accountability.
It does not cost anyone to say, claim or promise anything, but when something goes wrong, they are the first ones to put their hands up and go in the other direction.
When we are fortunate enough to come to the Lotus feet of Sri Sai Baba, we must remember that the Master takes total responsibility of the student.
However there are many tests that one has to undergo before this. Once the shishya is under the Guru's grace, it is the responsibility of the Master to ensure that the shishya crosses this worldly ocean. All that the Master expects from the devotee is complete surrender, faith and patience.
Many people claim to channel Sai Baba or get messages from Him. However, when what happens is contrary to what one may be told, the first thing that happens is these people seek to evade responsibility. So, where is the accountability?
Anything Sri Sai Baba would utter had to happen; it is the absolute truth. In instances where people claim to get guidance, it is important to remember this principle.
If you notice that statements change according to the situation, that should be the first red flag indicating something is wrong.
There are numerous simple trusting people who fall prey to many such charlatans, where they base many important life decisions believing guidance maybe coming from Sri Sai Baba only later to realise that it was the tricks of someone’s mind. In those instances always remember these two words ‘Accountability and Consequences….’
At all times, Sri Sai Baba expects us to use our discrimination and this has been repeatedly stressed in the Sai Satcharita.